Gold and the Death of the Dollar

from King World News

Today one of the greats in the business that predicted at the beginning of 2024 that this would be a huge year for gold spoke with King World News about gold and the death of the dollar.

Gold And The Death Of The Dollar

September 14 (King World News) – Gerald Celente: “I said gold could reach $3,000 this year. And this is just the beginning by the way. You know you’re not seeing gold take these deep dives anymore. Central banks are buying up gold like no tomorrow because they know the whole thing is rigged. Look at the news coming out on the debt level in the United States and what it’s costing to service the debt. Who could get away with this kind of crap? Who could ramp up all of this debt and keep getting away with it? The interest payments on the national debt top one trillion dollars as the deficit keeps getting deeper and deeper. The only people that could get away with this is a crime syndicate! None of us could do this! This is the beginning of the death of the dollar.

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