Don’t Give Biden a Pass on Inflation. Don’t Give Trump a Pass On Covid.

Will the real president of the United States during the years 2020 through 2022 please stand up?

by Eric Boehm

President Donald Trump oversaw the implementation of COVID-19 lockdowns. President Joe Biden presided over the worst period of inflation in more than four decades. Those are the facts.

But they are both highly inconvenient facts for the two deeply unpopular old men running for president this year. Both would likely prefer the American public to believe that the office of the presidency was vacant from the start of the pandemic through the summer of 2022 when inflation peaked at an astonishing annualized rate of 9.1 percent.

Biden is now pushing that retconning of reality to new levels. On Tuesday, in an interview with Yahoo Finance, Biden claimed that inflation was “at 9 percent when I came in, and it’s now down around 3 percent.” As The Washington Post notes, this is at least the third time in recent weeks that Biden has blatantly fibbed about the rate of inflation when he took office.

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