Experts Say High Food Prices Are Here to Stay. Here’s Why.

by Juhohn Lee

Inflation has steadily cooled over the past two years, despite seeing a slight stall in October and November. Prices for items such as gasoline, used cars and energy have all declined accordingly. However, food prices continue to outpace inflation, increasing by 28% since 2019.

More than 85% of consumers report feeling frustrated with rising grocery prices, and over a third say they have resorted to buying fewer items to save money, according to a 2024 survey by RR Donnelley.

However, experts say high food prices are here to stay.

“Once food price goes up, it tends to stay up,” said Claudia Sahm, a chief economist at New Century Advisors. “The inflation may come back down, so you don’t see the big price increases. But outside of widespread depression, we don’t tend to see prices falling across the board.”

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