It’s Like the Fed is Being Run by Tony Fauci Now…

by Peter Schiff
Schiff Sovereign

We all remember it. For more than two years, every single person in the United States was subjected to the exasperating melodrama known as Dr. Anthony Fauci.

A career bureaucrat who headed the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Fauci hypnotized much of the country and convinced people that he was the second coming of Joan of Arc– a saintly, righteous holy warrior who would lead everyone to victory. Except his sword and shield were “science”.

We never heard the end of it. Fauci claimed that he was “following the science” about social distancing, mask mandates, vaccines, school closures, and more.

And rather than accept criticism and debate about his ideas (which is the very foundation of science), Fauci continued to insist that he had all the answers. In one of his most eye-rolling assertions, he even said at one point that any criticism of him was “dangerous. . . because I represent science”.

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