Kamala On Inflation – Ignoring the Elephant in the Room

by Martin Armstrong
Armstrong Economics

Kamala has a plan to conquer inflation – increase government spending and raise taxes! She has been avoiding the topic in recent speeches, but her past comments can give us some insight.

Before the government passed the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest government spending package in our nation’s history, Harris praised the Build Back Better agenda for working to lower costs for the average American. The Inflation Reduction Act was originally the Build Back Better Act and the Democrats were seeking $2.2 trillion in funding. “And, Build Back Better is not going to cost anything — we’re paying for it. So when we can get Build Back Better passed, and we are optimistic that we will, the American people will see costs actually reduced around some of the most essential services that they need to take care of their basic responsibilities, including issues like child care and elder care, and also preschool,” Harris said.

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