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America is On Fire

by Richard Berkowitz
American Thinker

If Trump listens to the far better team of advisers directing his campaign this time around, I believe he will win by an overwhelming vote tally and will thus be in an excellent position to finish out his next term and accomplish many of his goals. America will be better off in the long run.

I know this is a sacrilegious thought, but the mass media live happily in their D.C cocoon and the D.C. radical elites cannot dare to face reality.

Biden has always been a fraud, but his “uncle visage,” like Obama’s hip-hop “Music Man” image, fooled the electorate. Well, the results are in and have proven otherwise. The blindfold is finally off and far too many are suffering and discouraged.

America is on fire, and all Biden has is more inflationary gasoline at his disposal.

Polls are often wrong, but this time, I believe they reflect the true story.

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Gold Fever is Sweeping China, Plus Another Inflation Wave is About to Hit

from King World News

Gold fever is sweeping China, plus another inflation wave is about to hit.

“Understanding that China plays the long game is one of the most important insights you can have about what lies ahead. China’s leaders know where they want to be five and ten years out.” — Stephen Leeb

Gold fever in China

May 23 (King World News) – Peter Stoferle at Incrementum: One of the most important factors behind the recent gold boom is undoubtedly the enormous demand from China. Chinese demand for gold is no longer being fueled solely by the PBoC, but increasingly also by Chinese private investors. The financial situation in China could be summarized as “shrinking pool of investment opportunities meets high liquidity”…

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Stubborn Inflation & Debt Crisis: Warning of Economic ‘Death by 1,000 Cuts’

from Zero Hedge

In this episode, host Andrew Brill sits down with Peter Boockvar, Chief Investment Officer at Bleakley Financial Group and author of the Boock Report. Together, they tackle the stubborn inflation gripping the economy, the looming crisis in commercial real estate refinancing, and the risk of a “death by a thousand cuts” scenario.

Peter shares his strategies for protecting and building wealth amid unprecedented market volatility, offering valuable insights into how to navigate the turbulence ahead. Learn why he believes precious metals, commodities, and international markets can help safeguard your portfolio and where he sees opportunities for significant growth. Did you enjoy this episode? Like, subscribe and let us know in the comments!

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Bidenflation: Average U.S. Vehicle Age Hits Record High as Inflation Forces People to Keep Cars and Trucks Longer

by AP

DETROIT (AP) — Cars, trucks and SUVs in the U.S. keep getting older, hitting a record average age of 12.6 years in 2024 as people hang on to their vehicles largely because new ones cost so much.

S&P Global Mobility, which tracks state vehicle registration data nationwide, said Wednesday that the average vehicle age grew about two months from last year’s record.

But the growth in average age is starting to slow as new vehicle sales start to recover from pandemic-related shortages of parts, including computer chips. The average increased by three months in 2023.

Still, with an average U.S. new-vehicle selling price of just over $45,000 last month, many can’t afford to buy new — even though prices are down more than $2,000 from the peak in December of 2022, according to J.D. Power.

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The Dirty Truth About Inflation

by Brian Maher
Daily Reckoning

The sitting administration — the Biden administration — sobs about inflation.

It claims it labors… heart and soul… to reduce that inflation.

Yet we believe these tears are the crocodile’s tears. That is, these tears are not authentic.

We believe the administration is not heart and soul to reduce inflation.

The administration is rather heart and soul for inflation. Not hyperinflation, mind you — hyperinflation carries severe political risk.

But it is out for inflation. It simply does not want you to know it.

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Fed Governor Waller Wants ‘Several Months’ of Good Inflation Data Before Lowering Rates

Fed Governor Christopher Waller said Tuesday that he does not think further interest rate increases will be necessary.

by Jeff Cox

Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller, citing a string of data showing that inflation appears to be easing, said Tuesday that he does not think further interest rate increases will be necessary.

However, the policymaker added he will need some convincing before he backs cuts anytime soon.

“Central bankers should never say never, but the data suggests that inflation isn’t accelerating, and I believe that further increases in the policy rate are probably unnecessary,” said Waller, who has recently been hawkish, meaning he supports tighter monetary policy.

The comments came in prepared remarks for an appearance before the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.

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Biden’s Latest Push to Take Control of the Inflation Narrative

by Emily Peck

The Biden administration released a memo to its allies outlining its actions to combat rising costs — and blaming Republicans for blocking its efforts.

Why it matters: It’s an attempt to tell Americans that the White House is focused on bringing prices down at a time when voters are unhappy with the economy, and hold the president responsible for inflation.

“President Biden’s top economic priorities are fighting inflation and lowering costs for the American people,” writes White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates. “Standing up to corporate price gouging is at the core of that fight.”

Catch up fast: The latest inflation figures show that prices rose 3.4% over the last year — much lower than the scorching levels seen in 2022 but still too high for comfort.

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Look at What is Happening with Silver and Canadian Juniors as Another Inflation Wave is About to Hit

from King World News

Look at what is happening with silver and Canadian junior exploration companies as another inflation wave is about to hit.

May 21 (King World News) – Graddhy out of Sweden: Been saying lately that Silver will break out soon. It then broke out above blue line. And it is now above black line $30 level.

[…] With these breakouts, silver has now resumed its secular bull market.

Historical chart. Generational opportunity, and threat.

So it begins.

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The Fed is Already Insolvent. Here’s How We Think This Plays Out.

by James Hickman
Schiff Sovereign

On Tuesday, September 15, 1992, the two most powerful financial officials in the British government held an urgent meeting that night to review their plan for when the markets opened the next morning.

The tone of the meeting must have felt frantic… even desperate… because the value of the British pound had been falling for weeks.

Investors and speculators were rapidly losing confidence in the UK government, mostly due to the ridiculous “Exchange Rate Mechanism” (ERM) which essentially pegged most European currencies to the German Deutschemark.

Rational investors viewed the ERM as an almost comical impossibility.

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Trump’s Proposed Tariffs Would Cost Families $1,700 Annually

“The scale of trade barriers proposed by candidate Trump is unprecedented.”

by Eric Boehm

A set of new tariffs proposed by former President Donald Trump would cost the average American family an estimated $1,700 annually—and lower-income households would be hit relatively harder, a new analysis warns.

Trump has called for a 10 percent across-the-board tariff on all imports combined with higher tariffs (potentially as high as 60 percent, he’s claimed) aimed specifically at imports from China. Together, those two policies would cost Americans about $500 billion per year, according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), a trade-focused think tank.

“The scale of trade barriers proposed by candidate Trump is unprecedented,” write PIIE senior fellows Kimberly Clausing and Mary E. Lovely. Thanks to the past several years of higher tariffs under both Trump and President Joe Biden, there is ample empirical evidence about the impact of tariffs, they add.

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Target Struggles as Inflation Squeezes Shoppers’ Wallets

by John Carney

Target missed its mark in the first quarter of this year.

The company is feeling the pinch as high prices on essentials keep consumers’ wallets tight. The Minneapolis-based retailer reported another tough quarter, with revenue and profits falling short of expectations.

Target’s comparable sales, which include stores and digital channels open for at least a year, dropped 3.7 percent in the three months ending May 4, marking the fourth consecutive quarter of decline. Revenue fell 3.1 percent to $24.53 billion, just above Wall Street’s forecast of $24.52 billion. Net income was $942 million, or $2.03 per share, slightly missing analysts’ projections by three cents, according to the Wall Street Journal.

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