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Inflation Tightens Its Grip On Biden’s Re-Election Prospects

by John Carney

Inflation Haunts the Biden White House

The specter of inflation haunts the corridors of the West Wing, and the Biden administration’s every attempt to exorcise the poltergeist of rising prices only deepens the grip of its possession.

The most recent consumer price index (CPI) reports have show inflation accelerating at an alarming pace. After the annualized monthly rise in CPI fell below two percent in October and November, inflation surged higher and has been running much hotter each month since.

In December, inflation rose at an annualized rate of 2.8 percent. In January, this accelerated to 3.7 percent. In February, we hit 5.4 percent. In March, the latest figure available, the consumer price index climbed at an annualized rate of 4.6 percent.

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How Do People’s Experiences of Inflation Differ?

by Alberto Cavallo

The Issue:

Inflation rates are among the most closely watched economic statistics, but, as with many statistics that attempt to capture what is happening throughout the economy, aggregate measures mask important particulars. Measuring inflation requires simplifying assumptions about the basket of goods that a typical consumer purchases in a given month as well as eliding demographic differences and distinctions within product categories. Looking closely at prices within disaggregated product groups and using high-frequency online price data helps to reveal the nuances underneath monthly inflation numbers and how the experience of rising prices differs across groups of people.

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Trump’s Plans For a Second Term: Raise Prices On Everything

by Ryan Teague Beckwith

Donald Trump has long cited his economics degree from the prestigious Wharton School as evidence of his “super genius stuff” skills in business.

But if he were a student there right now, he’d get a failing grade for his proposals’ effects on rising prices.

With polls showing that inflation remains a top concern among voters, the presumptive Republican nominee has somehow put together a campaign platform featuring multiple proposals that would raise prices on everything from groceries to new cars, both directly and indirectly.

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Gold Market Commentary: Higher-For-Longer: Inflation Not Growth

from Gold.org

New-high fatigue?

Gold had another good month in April, posting a 4% gain and ending the month at US$2,307/oz. Unlike March, gold finished off its intra-month high from probable buyer reticence and profit-taking – reflected in falling Chinese premia, lower Indian imports and flat-lining COMEX positioning. On the flipside, the trend in North American gold ETF flows turned positive – albeit slightly – joining strong demand for Asian ETFs.

Turning to our Gold Return Attribution Model (GRAM), existing variables and their longer-term relationships to gold returns have, for the second consecutive month, failed to capture price strength in its entirety. Adding a geopolitical risk proxy as well as positioning in the Shanghai futures exchange offers an explanation for some of the moves in March and April, but one other major explanatory factor is still missing. In this context, we believe that central bank buying, as recorded in our recent Gold Demand Trends report and evidenced in higher LBMA volumes, was once again a significant contributor to gold returns.

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Considerable Uncertainty About Inflation Over the Next Three Months

by Joshua Gibson
FX Street

Mary C. Daly, President of the Federal Reserve (Fed) Bank of San Francisco, highlighted the uncertainty facing the Fed while participating in a fireside chat at George Mason University in Virginia.

Key highlights

The last three months has left considerable uncertainty about the next few months of inflation.

There is considerable uncertainty about inflation in the next three months.

Daly is getting different signals from firms who say consumers seem to be getting choosy but input prices are not yet receding.

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There’s Still a Big Hidden Force for High Inflation in the Economy

by John Carney

The Pandemic Saving Rate Fueled Inflation

The American consumer may have one more jump scare left for the economy.

Slasher films all tend to end the same way. The murderous psycho has seemingly been vanquished. The protagonists finally can breathe a sigh of relief in a moment of calm. Suddenly, the killer bursts into the scene, showing he’s still viable enough to make a final homicidal plunge.

The killer in our economy was arguably the excess savings built up during the pandemic period. For around 18 months, from the the onset of the lockdowns and attendant economic recession in March 2020 through August of 2021, households rapidly accumulated savings.

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Fed’s Collins Says Reaching 2% Inflation Goal May Take Longer

by Steve Matthews
BNN Bloomberg

(Bloomberg) — Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Susan Collins signaled interest rates will likely need to be held at a two-decade high for longer than previously thought to damp demand and reduce price pressures.

Collins, who noted the lack of disinflationary progress made in 2024, said slower economic growth will be necessary to make sure inflation remains on a sustainable path to the Fed’s 2% goal. She didn’t offer an estimate on when rate cuts may happen.

“The recent upward surprises to activity and inflation suggest the likely need to keep policy at its current level until we have greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2%,” Collins said Wednesday at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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Argentina Devalues Currency by 50% in ‘Shock’ Measure Against Hyperinflation

Argentina devalued its currency by more than 50 percent Tuesday in a set of “shock” measures aimed at reviving a crumbling economy and tackling triple-digit inflation.

by News Wires

The government of President Javier Milei, a libertarian who swept from obscurity to the top office vowing to chainsaw spending, also announced cuts to generous state subsidies and a halt to all new public construction projects.

In a pre-recorded video message, Economy Minister Luis Caputo took pains to explain to Argentines the causes of their decades of recurrent economic crises, debt, inflation and fiscal deficits.

Annual inflation is currently at 140 percent and poverty levels at 40 percent in Latin America’s third-biggest economy.

The government coffers are also empty, and Milei has repeatedly said: “There is no money.”

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PIMCO Adds Bond Exposure Outside the U.S. On Inflation Risks

by Davide Barbuscia
The Globe and Mail

U.S. bond giant PIMCO said on Wednesday it is increasing its bond exposure in developed markets outside the United States as inflation could complicate the shift of the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates.

The $1.9 trillion asset manager expects an easing in central bank policies to bolster bonds in markets such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the euro zone, but is underweight U.S. fixed income as economic growth in America may continue to be accompanied by rising price pressures.

“The global economic and market outlook suggests diverging paths among regions and sectors,” portfolio managers Erin Browne and Emmanuel Sharef wrote in an asset allocation outlook report.

“In fixed income markets, we’re adding to our investments in select countries outside the U.S. where easier monetary policy this year is likely to boost bonds,” they said.

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Lag Effects From the Past Are Driving Inflation Today

by Neil Irwin

It has been three long years since inflation first ripped upward. But the inflation data in 2024 is, in important ways, being driven by that initial series of economic disruptions that took place in 2021 and 2022.

Why it matters: In one sense, this is good news — it implies that once these lag effects have worked through the system, inflation should settle lower without much additional economic pain.

  • As Goldman Sachs economist Ronnie Walker writes in a recent note, “the remaining hot inflation appears to be lagged catch-up inflation, not reheating inflation.”

Yes, but: The bad news is that it implies the inflation of the last few years has, cumulatively, been worse than earlier data implied.

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