Ready, Fire, Aim: Inflation’s Crucial Threshold

by Louis Cannon
Pagosa Daily Post

A few weeks ago, Wall Street was panicking. Now, the U.S. looks to be in soft-landing territory with inflation falling below a crucial threshold as the country nears the end of its battle back from the pandemic’s economic aftermath…

— from the Weekend Reading newsletter by Bloomberg News, August 17, 2024.

I recently subscribed to the Bloomberg News newsletter for a couple of reasons.

One, it was free to subscribe.

And two, I thought I should learn something about business and investing, now that I’m over 60 and looking forward to retiring. I understand that when you retire, you find yourself looking for things to do, to fill your time, and I figured making myself rich could be a reasonable way to beat back the boredom.

One thing I’ve learned already: 2.9% inflation is a crucial threshold.

But then, I wanted to know why it’s a crucial threshold.

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