Rep. Nanette Barragán Says Democrats Need ‘Four More Years’ to Push Through the Policies Needed to Lower Inflation and High Cost of Living

by Jack Hellner
American Thinker

The Democrat party is full of economic illiterates, and here’s the latest example, from a report out at Breitbart News:

Dem Rep. Barragán: Biden Needs ‘Four More Years’ to ‘Finish the Implementation’ of Policies to Lower Prices

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s ‘José Díaz-Balart Reports,’ Rep. Nanette Barragán (D-CA) stated that people still have concerns about prices, but President Joe Biden is asking Congress to do things like rent control and has a plan to lower prices and ‘he needs four more years to finish the job, to finish the implementation of these policies, to build on them to help the American people.’

(Now of course this was before Joe Biden dropped out of the race, but since Kamala Harris is being anointed as the nominee without any input from the Democrat voter base, and she’s cut from the same cloth and Biden’s own right-hand man, we can rightfully assume she would carry on with Biden’s economic approach.)

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