by Victoria White Berger
American Thinker
Updated, accurate reports have just been released by distinguished economists, federal watchdogs and reputable fact checkers on the actual economic situation—according to these, the U.S. has been in a recession since 2022, and the real inflation rate is now hovering close to 40%.
Most recently, the Brownstone Institute indicated the actual inflation rate as close to double the “informed” rate from media and government sources:
Many have questioned the accuracy of official inflation statistics, with dozens of academic papers written on the topic and doubts voiced by sources ranging from the New York Times to former President Donald Trump.
According to our adjustments, cumulative inflation since 2019 has been understated by nearly half. This has resulted in cumulative growth being overstated by roughly 15%. This is a large amount for just 5 years – for perspective, peak-to-trough drop in real GDP during the 2008 crisis was 4%.