Trump Promised to Lower Prices. Will Congress Help Him Deliver?

At the current rate of inflation, the dollar will lose 33 cents of purchasing power within a decade.

by Veronique de Rugy

If President Donald Trump was elected with a specific mandate, it was to lower prices. Poll after poll reveals that inflation is a top worry for Americans. So the administration should be worried that it’s ticking back up. Further, the president—who seems to think he can solve all problems unilaterally with executive branch orders—will soon discover that to conquer inflation, he will need the help of Congress.

Today’s rising inflation isn’t Trump’s fault. When inflation first spiked several years ago, the Federal Reserve insisted for months that it was under control and on its way back to the 2 percent target. It had yet to arrive there when, this past September, the Fed began prematurely cutting interest rates by 100 basis points. Now core Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation remains at 3.3 percent year over year, well above the pre-pandemic norm and a full 65 percent higher than the Fed’s supposed target.

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