Why China’s Economic Slowdown is Unlikely to Affect U.S. Inflation

by Josh Lipton and Madison Mills
Yahoo! Finance

Unlimited Co-founder, CEO, and chief investment officer Bob Elliott joins Josh Lipton and Madison Mills on Market Domination after last week’s rate cut to discuss some of the top stories of the day, including concerns about the Chinese economy and rising gold prices, breaking down what investors need to know.

Elliot tells investors the state of China’s economy is “not likely to have a meaningful impact on US inflation numbers ahead; when it comes to growth, the US economy is pretty insulated from Chinese growth and not likely to have much of an impact.”

In regard to the impact on oil prices, Elliot says, “We’re really in this range here on oil (CL=F) where we’re not likely to see meaningfully more elevated oil prices, nor meaningfully lower oil prices ahead.

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